a place of peace

Amani Baby Cottage


Item Donations

We are always in need of physical donations. Our needs change from time to time. You can inquire at amanibabycottage@gmail.com. Some items are easier to purchase in Uganda. If you would like to donate monetarily, please visit the β€˜Donate’ button at the top of this page. Thank you!

Blog and Updates

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Amani Baby Cottage is a babies’ home that provides care for orphaned, abandoned, and vulnerable children, from newborn to 5 years old. It was established in 2003 and has been the home to over 400 children. Our goal and mission is to find a forever family for all of our children, either through reuniting with their families or adoption. ABC is located in Jinja, Uganda on Lake Victoria near the source of the River Nile.


Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction...
James 1:27


Amani Baby Cottage, Aratoon Road, Jinja, Uganda 


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